Monday, June 1, 2009

Taiwanese Cultural Disclaimers

For those of you who know me personally, many of you have to endure my perpetual announcements regarding my bowel movements. It's always been hard to explain to people that growing up, everyone would talk about bowel movements quite freely.

I'm currently sitting at the airport when it hits me why I am more free in discussions regarding my bowel movements- the people behind me are talking about having diarrhea (Lao Sai). In the month that I've been in Taiwan, I have heard at least 30 people talk about having diarrhea or things that cause them to have diarrhea, most of them being random people having everyday conversations with each other.

Perhaps its the different food standards we hold here in Taiwan. Taiwanese street food is the common food for everyday people. Let's just say we don't really follow health and safety standards here.. Going to a morning market would probably make most of you throw up when you see what sits out unrefrigerated- how meat , vegetables and fruits are cut on the floor on wooden chopping blocks that clearly have not been sanitized. It also explains why Taiwanese people experience food borne illnesses more often and accept it as a quite common, everyday part of life (no need to call the health and safety department because should you contract a food borne illness) . With food borne illnesses being so rampant, it's no wonder that Taiwanese people talk about their bowel movements so freely- it has become an everyday part of life.

Here are a few common Taiwanese remedies to the shits:
Man To- Our everyday steamed white bun or
Oh Tung Man To- black sugar steamed bun
Mwe- rice porridge
oh tung gah mwe- rice porridge with black sugar
am- the liquid stuff from the rice porridge
super supau- our equivalent of gatorade.. but really just sugar water.
(do we see a common trend?? it's called SUGAR)

So, when visiting Taiwan and having the shits- just know, it's ok to tell it to your local guide or even your local friends. They won't think it's gross, in fact they will probably go out and buy you some old school remedy that their grandparents use to give them!

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