Okok, so yes, I am in the land of fromage et chocolate.. and yes, I'm beginning to love ALL of it. Well maybe not the calories.. the cheese at least.. One cheese that I have been dying to try is Vacherin Mont-d'Or AOC. For me, and anyone who knows me, I am all about the goat, sheep, stinky moldy cheese OR the super runny, you know your stomach is so gonna churn later but it's gonna be so silky smooth on your tongue rich and creamy cheeses and worth all the pain cheeses.
Collecting my 7th michelin star dining experience since moving to Suisse two weeks ago at Le Perolles in Fribourg, Hayley and I added on a cheese course to our lunch sampler. I opted for a plate full of goat and sheep cheeses and an added Vacherin Mont-d'Or selection.
Vacherin Mont-d'Or (not to be confused with Vacherin Fribourgeois, which is our local AOC cheese)originates in the Valee de Joux in Jura- Canton de Vaud.It's believed that Vacherin is actually of French origin, made from goat's milk. The story goes that there was a shortage of goat's milk and thus cow's milk was used in its place. A relatively watery cheese, within every 100g, about 25% of it is fat, 55% water.
There are a couple of distinct characteristics to Vacherin:
1. the wooden pine container (band)that it's kept in (it's a super runny cheese, needs the support)
2. the orangy, yellow crust of the cheese with its soft dimples and folds of the soft cheese below.
3.There is often a white moldy fur that grows on the surface of the tangy, crusty goodness of the cheese.
I have to admit that I was hoping for something a little more pungent. The cheese is sweet, slightly tangy but not overpowering in flavor- in fact, none of the cheese I had on my plate had the punch that I had been hoping for (I love it when your nose tingles from the tanginess of the cheese). A great cheese to accompany fruits- it won't overpower the sweet/tartness of the fruit but will complement it quite well.
My favorite- favorite part of the cheese was the gritty, slightly crunchy crust layer of the cheese.. all this cheese talk in the morning is making me hungry! Must go to my local latterie today and pick up some cheese!