Thursday, January 23, 2014

Space Invaders Avignon

One of the things I love doing when visiting cities (if available) is space invaders hunting. Avignon happens to be blessed as one of the cities that he has hit up.

For those of you who don't know Avignon it's on the boarder of Provence and the Cote d'Azur. Most of the notable landmarks around Avignon are a bunch of bridges or "Pont" in French.  Pont du Guard, the gigantic Roman Aqueduct bridge built in 19BC ,Pont de Langlois, a drawbridge that was one painted by Van Gogh and of course the Pont D'Avignon- the bridge that was never completed.
Pont D'Avignon
I noticed that Space Invader's color schemes were quite soft in comparison to the bold colors that he usually uses in London. I'm not sure if it is a maturation thing or if he was trying to blend in with the soft sandy colors of Provence.

As in most of my space invader pictures, I try to provide a reference point for those of you who want to track them down.  Happy invader hunting!

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