What is it? In every trade, there is always lingo used.
In the mortgage business, we would use abbreviations to represent things like:
DU: Desktop underwriter
FNMA- fannie Mae
MI: Mortgage Insurance
HOA: Home Owners Insurance
Mello Roos: unruly additional property taxes that have to be paid in a new development
Secondary Marketing- some person who sits in corporate and decides how much money they want to make on a loan and deciding whether or not they want to give you the rate that your client needs to qualify to get the house.
In the kitchen, there is similar lingo- albeit the lingo differs from country to country.
american slang uses a lot more slang in terms of food that you don't want people to know what it really is.
English kitchens use slightly different lingo.
Instead of " Behind" people say " Backs" or "Chaud". I actually had someone ask me why americans say behind because in English, behind means someone's rear end. "Chaud" means hot in french. What confuses me about "Chaud" is that often times people aren't carrying anything hot at all! To me, saying Chaud when you don't actually have something hot in your hands is like the boy who cried wolf.
Instead of " Yes Chef" people say " Qui" which means yes in french.
Instead of "2 minutes, beef, lamb chicken", people say " 3 minutes going on 2 and a half blah blah blah" and then 30 seconds later they say " 2 minutes going 1 and a half blah blah blah". I often want to ask- what the heck happened to the other 30 seconds?? did they just disappear????
If you are doing something completely wrong, you will be asked in two ways: the first one is " are you F*in alright???" ( which I have learned is different from " You alright??" which is genuinely asking if you are alright). The second one is more like being told you are totally doing something wrong and you better stop now : " Don't try to be an f*in cowyboy" . This one is a direct insult to americans as it implies, that cowboys do whatever they want and don't follow directions.
Garde Manger is " Larder"
and the Vegetable station is called " Garnish"
A few more smatterings of language differences in the kitchen:
Fine Bean: Green Bean
Courgette: Zuchinni
Feve: Lima Bean
Aubergine: Eggplant
Pomme Puree: Mashed potatoes