Also known as "Banglatown", brick lane is located in the Borough of Tower of Hamlets. The initial market first started in the 17th century as a place to buy produce. The Sunday Market also comes from this time. Nowadays, The Sunday Market is comprised of anyone- mostly students trying to sell off their belongings for some money. There are some pockets like the one off of this street (picture below- notice the writing in Bengali) which house independent artists selling their work.

Bricklane is also prolofic grounds for graffiti artists. This picture houses 2 different artists- the statue graffiti artists and this other artists who does close up of people's faces.

There are also numerous multicultural food stalls, and this great pizza place that has no plates and serves pizzas (with rocket or arugula) on big wooden squares. Everyone sits around huge rustic wooden tables on cardboard boxes.
Bricklane is also home to 93 East a bar that was the birthplace for the popularity of Tabla music and The Vibe Bar. It is also home to the Old Truman Brewery which has now been converted into a gallery and one can find very avant garde art there.
It's also home to a few space invaders!

14 down, 87 more to go!!!
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