Off I went. Dad and I happened to walk to Yong Kang Street. No sweet smell of Donuts greeted me. Bummer i thought. They must not make their donuts here. We asked the lady what the best selling donut was. her response was " all of these" pointing to the Cruellers. Maybe she didn't understand. Which taste is the most popular " all of these" and " these are new flavors". We were getting no where. Precious time was being wasted.
Not understanding half the flavors, the red bean, sugar dusted crueller seemed like a good choice. Oh, by the way, the lady wouldn't let me take pictures inside the store.
Feeling the dense, cold donut in my hand, I knew I was going to be disappointed.

"The packaging is pretty though" I thought to myself as we headed out of the store.

More Taiwan Eats! Mister Donut FAIL:
Numerous locations all over Taipei and Kao shiong
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