Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mister Donut FAIL

Still obsessed with Donuts, I had to find out where in Taiwan, I could get a great donut. I was told that Mister Donut, a donut chain from japan was the winner. No Krispy Kreme's I inquired? No- it's all about Mister Donut. People use to line up for hours I was told to have one of their French Cruellers.
Off I went. Dad and I happened to walk to Yong Kang Street. No sweet smell of Donuts greeted me. Bummer i thought. They must not make their donuts here. We asked the lady what the best selling donut was. her response was " all of these" pointing to the Cruellers. Maybe she didn't understand. Which taste is the most popular " all of these" and " these are new flavors". We were getting no where. Precious time was being wasted.
Not understanding half the flavors, the red bean, sugar dusted crueller seemed like a good choice. Oh, by the way, the lady wouldn't let me take pictures inside the store.
Feeling the dense, cold donut in my hand, I knew I was going to be disappointed.

"The packaging is pretty though" I thought to myself as we headed out of the store.
I bit into the donut. Chewy, pasty... too sweet. *sigh* I've been spoiled by stans. I have to remember that asians are obsessed with the idea of Q- and the chewy resistent texture of the donut was suppose to resemble that of Q.. at least that's what I'm using to try to justify the craze for Mister Donut as... Krispy Kreme needs to "yi ming" over here quickly so that the poor people of Taiwan can experience a REAL donut...

More Taiwan Eats! Mister Donut FAIL:
Numerous locations all over Taipei and Kao shiong

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