To make my continents, I carved out each continent. These were version 2 out of about 5 as the salt dough kept on causing the continents to warp.

I started the sculpture in the end of April. The part that I had the hardest time with was covering the globe because the salt dough was so heavy. Sanding and patching, and ripping everything off and starting over again, took about a month working 1-3 hours every night after class.
Besides the globe (that turned), another crucial piece to my sculpture was the food that would surround the globe. The food that I chose was not any "fancy" dishes but rather again, local foods that represents to me those individual cultures.

A big shout out must go to Dara's husband Brian for being my master carpenter and engineer! Without him, the fact that my globe could spin could not be possible ( or even standing!)

This was the final product. All in all, I spent over 75 hours on the project but it was worth it!
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